Research, Coding, and Analytics
Here are a few examples of my coding/research/analytics projects. Some of them included relevant code (usually towards the end or in an appendix), but for more technical details head over to my github
(More) Statistical Features for Textual Analytics
Kaggle Feedback Prize - Full Post-Submission Write-Up (Github Pages site)
Claims Prediction: Predicting Future P&C Claimants/Subesequent Losses
MCRMSE: Explanation, Algorithm
Yellowbrick, the Under-Appreciated
Engineering Statistical Features for Textual Analystics
Kaggle NLP Competition ["Feedback Prize"]: Part 1 - EDA (Pre_Submission)
Kaggle NLP Competition ["Feedback Prize"]: Part 2: Feature Engineering (Pre_Submission)
Kaggle NLP Competition ["Feedback Prize"]: Part 3: PreProc/Data Mining (Pre_Submission)
FooBar: The Furry, Fanciful Fable for Finding Fresh Faces
Exploratory Analysis of Credit Card Payment Default (Jupyter-generated HTML)
Nudging For Hand Hygiene: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (R) [External Link]
Factsheet HIV Surveillance_Heterosexual Pop. [External Link]
Factsheet HIV Surveillance_Transgender Pop. [External Link]
(Both of the above can be found here, under subsection "Georgia National Health and Behavioral Survey Archive")
CDC Health and Behavior Survey (SAS)
Freelance Project on Tree Growth in Experimental Treatment